Survival And Resourcefulness When Scavenging Post SHTF

Survival And Resourcefulness When Scavenging Post SHTF

Survival And Resourcefulness When Scavenging Post SHTF


The first understanding both the public and a prepper need to be clear on is the difference between looting and scavenging.

Looting involves taking things from others whether it be public or private property during or after a SHTF event that are for use in today’s world. Expensive electronics, designer duds, specialty foods, etc. All of which are of minor or little use to your survival. If you are hiding your face from officials you can bet it is a looting scenario. Officials or not running off with a big screen smart television, the newest IPhone, a Gucci bag, 4 inch Prada heels and a couple of cans of caviar is looting!

Scavenging is what is done by the survivors of a disaster who need the goods they find and take to stay alive. Granted if caviar is all you can locate to eat it’s no longer a looting item! A bonanza for the scavenger is warm dry clothing, basic food supplies, drinkable water, ammo and other less glamorous items. However, if these items have not been abandoned by their owners then a please and thank you can go along way in obtaining what you might need to make it until help comes or in staying alive if the owner says no and help isn’t in route.

The Prepper Guide has more information on the art of surviving using scavenging to your benefit. See it linked below

Scavenging: The Art Of Survival And Resourcefulness When The SHTF


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