Survival Paradoxes

Survival Paradoxes

Survival Paradoxes


As with most things there is no one way to survive. We in the prepping community all have our ideas on what is the best method of doing things. But factually what that means is that we have decided a route that is best for ourselves. This may not be the best route for you! This creates the survival paradox. Which is really the best way? My answer to that is the way that works for you. If you’re still alive then what you have done is the right thing. I repeatedly say if any page or person tells you they are an expert on all aspects of survival and can teach you to do the right thing in every scenario….run run run! Every individual, group, and scenario are different. This is why we choose to be an aggregated site, to give you a larger number of opinions, options, and ideas. Allowing YOU to be the one who decides by a preponderance of the facts relevant to your personal situation.

Tim Gamble provides some understanding of survival paradoxes that are most common and gives you some advice on navigating your way through them. See that discussion at the featured link below

 The Paradoxes of Survival 

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