Surviving In A Vehicle When It’s Freezing

Surviving In A Vehicle When It’s Freezing

Surviving In A Vehicle When It’s Freezing

Photo from weatherthefuntimesguide

Many parts of the world are experiencing extreme cold combined with record snow fall. A vehicle breaks down or an accident in route to or from your destination can turn a simple trip to work or an event into a life and death situation. I grew up in a cold northern Midwest state in the USA that boosts of heavy snow fall and icy conditions almost every single year. We learned long before we were old enough to drive how to survive should we become stranded, it was actually part of our driver’s education program! In the last few years those snowy, icy, freezing cold conditions have crept into areas that aren’t traditionally accustomed to them. It has caused havoc and lost lives.

Whether you are in one of those areas or just visiting an area where snow and ice could be an issue, please take a moment before you get in your vehicle to let someone know where you’re going and when you might be expected to return. That information tells someone you are missing and gives a general idea where to look. Even the most prepared drivers’ chances of survival are increased dramatically by decreasing their time in the cold vehicle. Never leave the vehicle no matter how close you may think help maybe a mile or two turns into a life and death struggle very quickly in blowing snow and freezing temperatures.

To be prepared to survive your snowy adventure and perhaps prevent being stranded at all, take a look at the featured link. An additional tip that those who are not accustomed to freezing temps is when you take someone to a vehicle, make sure their vehicle is running prior to leaving the site! Even a well-maintained vehicle can refuse to start at the worst times!

How To Survive In A Car When It’s Freezing Cold


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