Prepping When You’re the Only One Following Through (Parts 1-3)

Prepping When You’re the Only One Following Through

(Parts 1-3)

Prepping follow through (Parts 1-3)


It’s a fact that our survival expectancy rises when we prepare as a group. It’s also true that most groups are made up of people who we care about as family and friends. Whenever you have a group focus whether its prepping or something else, there are always those that work harder and take the task more seriously than do others.

Life gets in the way at various times for various people within the group. You know in your heart of hearts turning these people away isn’t possible for you. So how to you continue to prepare when you either feel like or actually are the only one that seems to take it seriously and follows through?

Hugh James Latimer from Survival Blog has experienced that position and has written his thoughts on the subject and his advise on how to handle the situation in a three part blog each featured below

How to Prepare When You’re The Only One- Part 1

How to Prepare When You’re The Only One- Part 2

How to Prepare When You’re The Only One- Part 3


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